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Uncharted Courses Page 2

often in a lonely sigh.

  Rarely she sees me or even calls my name

  Yet she walks with me a bit or sometimes a mile;

  Shall I hide in the shadows, is this a shame?

  My lady, my dream, I want you, all the while!

  I am your new friend

  I am your new friend

  I am small, shinny and very black;

  I am soft, cute, lovable and easy to tend

  I will do anything if you softly rub my back.

  I am your new friend

  For now I am all feet and legs and droopy ears;

  There is a wish from my heart that I wanted to send

  If you will love me, I will be your friend for years!

  I am your new friend

  Would you take me and love me?

  Would you run with me in the wind?

  I will love you with all of my heart, you will see!

  I am your new friend

  Just so you will know, I am going to cry and bark!

  My lonely howl just wishes to send

  A message to you, “I am afraid of the Dark!”

  I Have No Words

  It is once again I wake late in the night

  Only to turn and gaze at your beautiful form;

  The soft cotton sheets they lay just right

  To outline your womanly shape so warm.

  The pale moonbeams cascade through our window

  Like some sacred scene from heaven on high;

  They fall upon your face like an angelic halo

  With my heart in my throat I stifle a sigh.

  Your tresses are spread wide upon your pillow

  Your ruby red lips hint of a gentle smile;

  Your form is long and graceful as the willow

  And my need for you grows all the while.

  Our sheet barely covers your full and firm breast

  Of their haven, this man will never tire;

  It was just an hour ago, upon them my face did rest

  But deep within me still burns passion’s fire.

  If only I had a few special words

  That I could tell you of my love for you;

  They would clash louder than all the mighty swords

  They would ring from mountain to mountain of my love for you.

  Yes, this night is like the many that came before

  Every dream, every thought is filled with you;

  My soul is like a ship stranded upon the shore

  Your love is like the waves, it makes the sand brand-new.

  I pray to God, someday the words are born

  To tell you just how much I Love You;

  But I know to my language these words will never be known

  To describe just how completely I LOVE YOU……

  I’ll be moving on

  Just like before, once again, here I stand

  At the crossroads, left, right, nigh direction is known;

  Either way, a new life, a new day, a new land

  The only thing I know is that, I’ll be moving on.

  I have tasted life’s pleasures both day and night

  And tried to dance to life’s many a tone;

  As with all of my trails, the end never in sight

  Now, I’ll be moving on.

  I have searched for the gold at the end of the rainbow

  But, when I reached the end, I moved on;

  Toward the setting of the sun, with nothing to show

  For all my labors, now I’ll be moving on.

  Remembering all the smoky campfires and dancing shadows

  And all the dreams that a cowboy lives on;

  Those distant Blue Mountains, their call does bellow

  To a sad and empty heart, I’ll be moving on.

  To all the days filled with blood, sweat and tears

  To the wild and lonely call of the distance yon;

  I have missed life’s meaning and the joy of my years

  Now, there is no turning back, I have to move on.

  From the highest mountain peak I hail

  Would you come and walk with me into the dawn?

  Only to hear the echo, from across the dark vale

  Since no one answers, I’ll be moving on.

  Ten thousand sunsets I have journeyed into

  And ten thousand times I have moved on;

  But this is the last time that I start anew

  From this place, I will never move on.

  For now, I have reached the tranquil sea

  And the restless waves do rush upon;

  The ageless sands that lie beneath me

  I am just too tired now, to move on.

  Lady of Tennessee

  There is a girl faraway I long to see

  Her heart and her smile so warm.

  Our relationship is wild and free

  With her I feel no alarm.

  The distance between is great for us

  Yet we travel our own trails.

  Our trials at times may be ferocious

  But upon the blue ocean our ship sails.

  We speak each day without stop

  As we learn ourselves in and out.

  Our journey is upward seeking the top

  If the future holds we will gain the mount.

  In our slumber and sweet dreams

  Do our separate paths twain.

  Our lives and words would fill reams

  As we share both the sun and rain.

  The course we choose may be rough

  But the heart sets the soul free.

  We wonder sometimes if this is enough

  This Lady and I, this Lady in Tennessee.

  My Greatest Blessing

  Sometimes I wonder of all my blessings

  Both great and small;

  Their makeup, size and dressings

  There is one which rises above them all.

  This one holds the key to my very world

  Sheds its light upon my daily path;

  A blessing that calls me to unfurl

  Those ever binding chains of wrath.

  It calls to me over the extended miles

  And brings the light of love to my very soul;

  It is one of hope, caring, joy and smiles

  And grows ever stronger as the moments roll.

  It will be forever gentle on my mind

  Always present and soft upon my shoulder;

  Speaking to me in a voice both compassionate and kind

  But yet stronger than any massive boulder.

  I am speaking of a very beautiful girl

  Her love for me knows no bounds;

  She brings to me meaning in a meaningless world

  And as she walks beside me, I am on hallowed ground.

  A mate, lover, companion and my dearest friend

  Of all my blessings, this is the most grand;

  This man cherishes, adores and loves her to no end

  Happiness abounds as together we stand.

  This woman is all, I want no other

  She has given herself to me and I forever want her to know;

  That for this man, there will never be another

  I love you sweetheart, I just wanted you to know.

  On The Wings of Love

  I can hear her voice on the wind

  And feel her deep in my soul;

  She is with me as I travel the shaded glen

  And beside me as I gaze at the valley below.

  She takes me higher than the mountains

  And brings me back safely again;

  She is fresh and flowing as the majestic fountains

  Yet soft and graceful as the wren.

  Bright and shinning as the morning sun

  And more captivating than a summer moon;

  We will have no less days, than when we first begun

  In her arms, I will be there soon.

  Prayer upon the Wind

  Oh Great Spirit, my heart is heavy this day

  This burden I bear is so much;

y, I seek you out to pray

  But this burden never lightens as such.

  I can hear your voice, in the eagle’s cry

  And feel your love’s warmth upon my face;

  Do you hear me? For the harder I try

  I’m falling further behind in my race.

  The skies of my heart are cloudy

  And the sands of my soul are restless;

  The pains of this life assail me

  As your words I try never to transgress.

  Once, I was mighty and strong

  My words were heard around the council fire;

  Now, every word I speak seems to be wrong

  For they brazen my brothers ire.

  O Father, return to me, my heart of the Bear

  Grant me once again the power of the wind;

  Your grace and wisdom, with me share

  So I may be once more a warrior to the end.

  Ramblin Rose

  She is a girl, she is a lady, she shines in the sun

  If one tops her beauty, I know of none;

  She lives, she breathes, she is alive

  She rolls right along on 24.5’s.

  She has more power up front than most

  Many can’t run as fast as she can coast;

  With JJ’s right above her chrome plated smile

  She punches through the darkness mile after mile.

  Her twin stacks ride high in the air

  And talks to me while I’m settin there;

  Her bedroom is small but homey and invites

  Me as I chase that white line on long lonely nights.

  She is smooth as silk, and can pull a load

  Down that big old highway, or some country road;

  What a girl, what a lady, she keeps me on my toes

  That’s my Pete, Ramblin Rose…..

  She has a 3406 Cat and a mean Thirteen

  All she asked is two lines to stay between;

  Lonesome roads or a busy city street

  From where I sit, driving is a treat.

  No matter, if it’s the rainy eastern shores

  Or if I’m runnin someone’s front door;

  Where we wind up, nobody knows

  I’ll be stickin with her, my Ramblin Rose..

  Our lifeline is this old white line

  That I’m chasin, always behind;

  We’ll be travlin, where the fair wind blows

  Just me and my lady, Ramblin Rose….

  With a 53-foot box and 18 shiny wheels

  I’ll never tire of just how she feels;

  All day and all night, she always shows

  Her love of travel, this Ramblin Rose……

  From the flats to the hills, she rolls right along

  We may stop to catch our breath, but not for long;

  She is as steady as the river flows

  She is a treasure, she is a jewel, this Ramblin’ Rose.

  Rocky Mountain Morning

  There is nothing like a Rocky Mountain morning

  With the sun painting the western peaks a Vermillion red;

  As life is once again reborn without warning

  Mother Nature rises with arms unfurled from her nightly bed.

  Morning mist ascends from the rushing Alpine stream

  Its shores are lined with lacy fringes of springtime ice;

  The evergreens are draped in the white of a nightly dream

  But all things come together so brilliant and nice.


  I know it is just a Thursday, But it is a time and day that we should hold dear.

  Let us slow down to a walk, catch our breath and bow our heads so God will hear

  Our whispered THANKS for all the wonderful Blessings we have received this year

  Let us gather all our loved ones together with a true heart and a loving tear!


  With every bite of our most treasured meal, let us think of all those

  Who are not as Blessed as we have been in this year coming to a close!

  Let us humble ourselves before the loving Master

  Remembering all the ones who were lost in this world of disaster!


  We are all brothers and sisters on this round rotating orb

  One day the sun is shinning, the next, the falling rain we must absorb!

  For just a few moments can we not all be as one?

  Walking side by side, hand in hand in the life giving warmth of the sun!


  Does it matter if we are together or apart by thousands of miles?

  We can still share the happiness, friendship and love of our smiles!

  God gave us a heart so we could and would care

  For the ones we love who could not be there!!!


  As we bow our heads at this, our bountiful table

  Would a moment of silence not make our life more stable?

  It is a day we should all remember with pride

  The one day we had all our loved ones by our side!


  Love and happiness is my heartfelt wish for you

  May all of your Roses be Red and Violets the deepest of blue

  May all your dreams and prayers with the MASTER'S GIVING

  On this, our day of most sincere THANKSGIVING!!!!!!!!

  The Diamond of the Ukraine

  My girl waits in Lugansk, Ukraine

  A land far, far away from me;

  My love for her is stronger than wind or rain

  Someday soon, she will be with me.

  With hair of the color of the sunshine

  Her eyes brighter than the stars above;

  Tender lips sweeter than wine

  My heart aches for her love!

  She is life, she is love, and she is who I crave

  She satisfies my passion in the shadows of the night;

  I long to hold her silky softness and hear her rave

  As I fill her with my love and watch her delight!

  She lives within every fiber of my being

  My lonely heart whispers her name on the wind;

  Her love makes this man a living king

  And will always be my greatest friend!

  Someday soon, she will accompany me

  Someday soon, she will wear my ring!

  Only her touch can set me free

  As I hold her hand and wedding bells ring!

  As the whispering pines echo her name

  They sing of her love, a paradise and utopia;

  Without her, this man’s world will never be the same

  She is my diamond of Ukraine, she is my Julia!!

  The Story Teller

  As I set and write upon this invisible line

  My only thought is telling a story to you;

  Telling it in such a way that you can find

  The key to what I say, given to only a chosen few.

  I am a painter, a poet and carpenter true

  I color; I write and build a story to be read;

  To take you with me on a journey of few

  Because I want you to feel and see what I have said.

  I will take you to sleepy blue oceans

  We will travel to distant shores where palms trees sway;

  I will build inside of you unexpected emotions

  And I will listen to whatever you have to say.

  I will paint for you an evening sky of ruby red

  As it descends upon a land of mystic blue;

  Making every color rhyme with what I have said

  Spoken from my heart, to only you.

  I will build a pathway upon where you can walk

  To these places in your mind;

  As you read along and listen to me talk

  I will place treasures, easy for you to find.

  We will journey to mountains reaching for the sky

  And camp beneath their evergreen cape;

  We will see majestic vistas where you will utter a sigh

  Like nothin
g you have ever seen on tape!

  I will show you castles built in the sky,

  A knight in shinning amour on mounts the color of midnight;

  Beautiful damsels, who will catch and hold your eye,

  All of this will be seen as our magic carpet is in flight!!

  So if you will, come along with me

  Upon a journey colored with words within your mind;

  Over my oceans, deserts and mountains you will see

  It is I, the story teller, the one in a million, showing you, what you wish to find!!

  Upon the Hearth

  Jack Frost paints the window panes

  With lacey designs inside and out;

  As upon the hearth the embers train

  A tendril of smoke, that lazily drifts about.

  It is wintertime in the country

  Snowflakes fall soft and cold;

  In the darkness Christmas lights blink silently

  As we think about the greatest story ever told!

  Of a babe that was born in a land far away

  In a manger, in a stable, in the cold;

  Wrapped in blankets, he slept in the hay

  Savior to a world of sinners we are told!

  Setting upon the hearth, feeding tender to the coals

  Ushering to life the flames to warm;

  Thinking about all the by gone souls

  Gazing solemnly into the flame lit charm.

  From somewhere in the darkness my whispered name

  As your touch caresses my lonely skin;

  And around me your loving arms came

  I am so blessed, by you my lover and friend!

  Arm in arm as upon the hearth we set

  Knowing full well we do not have to speak;

  Within the blinking halo of lights we let

  The snowflakes fall, fulfilled with the love we seek.